Welcome to PAHighSchoolPowerlifting.com

Welcome to the home page of the Pennsylvania High School Powerlifting Association, previously known as the PSCPA.

First thing, this is our first formal website. Our old name the Pennsylvania State Championship Powerlifting Association (PSCPA) was our name for the late 80s. Just recently while searching for our website and name, we see the PSCPA.com website is actually the website for the Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. We really love Powerlifting, but there is no way we are going to compete with that for naming convention. Let’s face it, if Vince McMahon couldn’t beat the World Wildlife Foundation, what would be our chances?!

My name is Steve Mann, I am a Powerlifting event director, I ran my first event post High School while attending Penn State University. Before that I was an athlete who participated in PSCPA events for four years of High School.

2 Comments on “Welcome to PAHighSchoolPowerlifting.com”

  1. I live in Hanover, PA. My granddaughter started lifting about 6 months ago and would love to compete. Are there any local competitions for high school students in southern PA?

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